工业安全锁、安全柜、密码锁、铜挂锁、洗眼器,工业安全柜,洗眼器,吸收棉,防漏托盘,防化服,多种场所密码锁,防爆电筒,气体检测仪,万向排气罩, 电话咨询 189****4271 手机浏览 纠错/管理
广州市鑫磊电气科仪有限公司(销售部)广州市鑫磊电气科仪有限公司是专业代理进口、国产实验室设备配件、工业安全设备 、个人安全设备及实验室规划、设计、工程安装售后跟踪服务“一站式”的实验室企业。本公司能配套供应所有实验室成套试验仪器设备,并具备安装、调试、维修及技术指导的专业一条龙服务。 公司以“优质、创新、诚信、务实”为宗旨,公司的卓越成就均获得客户的正面评价。 经营产品:Kingmann 实验室万用插座、工业安全锁、断路器保护设备、紧急冲淋及洗眼器、气体临测仪、水质分析测试仪、多功能电力测量计、风量计、噪音监测仪、光度测量仪 、尘粒测量仪、其它测量仪表、安全储存柜/罐、化学品储存柜、废油储存柜、气瓶储存柜、易燃品储存罐、溢漏控制及防漏设备、紧急安全设备、急救设备、个人安全设备、维修安全设备、烧焊安全设备等等。 Merit Electric Limited is a company specializes in distributing worldwide laboratory systems, monitoring equipment and industrial safety equipment. We also provide a complete service of planning, engineering and coordination of standard laboratory in China market. With a mission of consistent customer orientation, innovations in development and abundance of experiences in the market, our achievements are recognized by customers positively. Product Range: Kingamann Universal sockets, industrial locking equipment, circuit protection equipment, emergency shower & eyewash, gas monitoring equipment, water quality analyzers, universal electric tester, anemometer, sound level meter, light meter, particle monitoring equipment and other functional monitoring equipment, safety storage cabinets and cans, spill control equipment, emergency escape equipment, personal protective equipment, maintenance protective equipment and welding protective equipment, etc.
- 所在地区:广东省广州市
- 行业分类:电气机械及器材制造业
- 地址:市桥东环路397号雅苑大厦南楼302室
- 邮编:510130